Support available in English


We all have troubles coping with life’s challenges now and then. But sometimes things get worse. That’s when you may consider talking to a professional.

Typical symptoms indicating the need for treatment are anxiety, phobias or panic attacks. Also feeling constantly down or depressed  is nothing you should „simply accept“.  Having to cope with a difficult life event (like a life threatening illness or another overwhelming experience) can also be successfully addressed in psychotherapy .

When you get the choice to sit it out or to dance, I hope you dance.

— Lee Ann Womack

Professional Background

We are trained and licensed clinical psychologists, cognitive behavioral therapists and trauma therapists (EMDR) with many years of experience in hospitals, clinics and private practice. Most of us are fluent in English.


How to get in Touch

Unfortunately our waiting list is often long and sometimes even closed. This is the case for sessions in Heidelberg as well as in Mannheim. Still interested?

Sometimes a „Sprechstunde“ is available: „Sprechstunden“ are pre-therapy appointments. Here we can help you to find out if therapy is what you really need. If not we might recommend an alternative, like a consultation center. Or maybe we come up with another idea to support you.

Appointments for a „Sprechstunde“ can only be made with our (English speaking) assistent, during her phone times: Here.

Please know, that appointments cannot made by email. We are also not able to support you with tips, comments on your personal situation etc. by email.

If you understand German, you can find out more here.

Claudia Frey
Diplom-Psychologin, Psychologische Psychotherapeutin. Mehr ...

Haben Sie Interesse an psychotherapeutischen Themen?

Ich schreibe immer wieder einmal etwas Neues darüber, informiere über den Umgang mit Symptomen oder berichte über aktuelle Entwicklungen im Bereich der Psychotherapie.  Manchmal führe ich auch Interviews mit spannenden Menschen - oder poste Videos zu psychotherapeutischen Themen. Wenn Sie das interessiert, dann schauen Sie doch immer einmal wieder vorbei: Hier geht es zu meinem Blog